Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pre-Reading Questions Week Eight

Learning Disabled (LD): A person that has significant learning problems in an academic area there are unknown factors about this disorder its affects the brain’s ability to receive information.

Mentally Retarded (MD): There are signs of symptoms’ of mental retardation that are all different behaviors. People, well most people that are mentally retarded don’t look like it. Mental retardation is politically incorrect; the term is intellectually mentally changed people to acquire later in life through brain injuries or diseases. Being mentally challenged can or many appear at any age.

Emotionally Disturbed (ED):  Serious emotional disturbance to those are from birth age of majority who are diagnosed with mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder.

Almost schools and districts have special education programs throughout the United States. By law, states have to provide special education programs for those children who have special needs; such as developmental disability, learning disability, emotional & behavioral disability etc.

My own experience I was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder). I was diagnosed when I was a freshman in high school. I had no idea I had it when I was in high school or middle school. It doesn’t affect me as much when I was in middle school now because I was taking medicine for it but I stopped because I knew I was at an age that I can control it and I didn’t want to be on pills all my life. So I controlled it. Being around special needs children and adult’s race, gender, class can impact their lives. I’ve learned just being around them that these kids are really smart. My softball coach has a little brother that has down-syndrome, this little guy knows 4 different languages top of that he knows sign language. It’s just amazing. They are just so amazing to be around with. These kids have so much stuff going on in their lives but they are the happiest kids because they are just alive. It’s just amazing to be around them.

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  1. Your blog post of this week was very interesting and inspiring. Its crazy how kids with disorders are more happier than kids that are perfectly fine. I;m glad to hear you were able to overcome your ADHD.

  2. Hi jen,
    Your blog is really interesting plus the fact that i learnt something new (ADHD). I am glad that you shared that personal story of yours with us. It is funny how America has names for almost everything even little effects that we see as nothing. I like how you showed that taking pills is not always the case and one can control those things by oneself. Nice blog :)
    -Abi O.
