Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pre-Reading Questions Week Eight

Learning Disabled (LD): A person that has significant learning problems in an academic area there are unknown factors about this disorder its affects the brain’s ability to receive information.

Mentally Retarded (MD): There are signs of symptoms’ of mental retardation that are all different behaviors. People, well most people that are mentally retarded don’t look like it. Mental retardation is politically incorrect; the term is intellectually mentally changed people to acquire later in life through brain injuries or diseases. Being mentally challenged can or many appear at any age.

Emotionally Disturbed (ED):  Serious emotional disturbance to those are from birth age of majority who are diagnosed with mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder.

Almost schools and districts have special education programs throughout the United States. By law, states have to provide special education programs for those children who have special needs; such as developmental disability, learning disability, emotional & behavioral disability etc.

My own experience I was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder). I was diagnosed when I was a freshman in high school. I had no idea I had it when I was in high school or middle school. It doesn’t affect me as much when I was in middle school now because I was taking medicine for it but I stopped because I knew I was at an age that I can control it and I didn’t want to be on pills all my life. So I controlled it. Being around special needs children and adult’s race, gender, class can impact their lives. I’ve learned just being around them that these kids are really smart. My softball coach has a little brother that has down-syndrome, this little guy knows 4 different languages top of that he knows sign language. It’s just amazing. They are just so amazing to be around with. These kids have so much stuff going on in their lives but they are the happiest kids because they are just alive. It’s just amazing to be around them.

Word 400

Post-Reading Questions Week Seven

Domestic Violence can happen to anyone men or women; also in any kind of relationship heterosexual or homosexual relationship. It was a surprise to me that women can be the abuser towards their husbands I always thought it was the men that was doing the more abusing. This topic was very difficult for me because when I was growing up I’ve seen a lot of domestic violence in my household. Monday’s class Oct. 15th when we were talking about domestic violence I thought I was strong enough to do it and show up on Wednesdays for the speaker but I couldn’t. Even though I didn’t go through it, it felt I did because I saw it and heard it. Being abused isn’t just being hit; the abuser may emotionally, mentally, and verbally be able to abuse you.

Being in a Domestic Violence relationship or marriage or any kind there are Hotlines and programs that can help. Language is a major role in these programs. Those women that speak English have more advantages to those women that speak another language such as Spanish. Women that speak another language than English have more of a disadvantage because most of the Hotline and programs there tellers are English speaking people. In my opinion Hotlines and programs need to change. Our country is very diverse. For example, being in the bay area there are a lot of Asians and most of those Asians families don’t know any English. If these programs are here to help Domestic Violence and help women or men they need people that speak another language than English. If these programs can’t provide people that speak another language than English; How are these programs helping? Women that speak another language they feel like they can seek for help with these programs.

I feel if anyone that is being abused they should seek for help and they should be able to come to these programs and hotlines and trust that they will get help and not get denied or can’t help because they can’t speak English.

My experienced growing up and seeing all the things I’ve seen makes me a stronger person today and help the people that are being abused. One thing that is really hard for those women or men that are being abused they have the density to go back to their relationships and hoping they change but it only changes for a couple of months then the abusing starts back again. One important thing I would tell the person that is being abused is to be strong and not go back because there is so much and bigger things in the world nobody should be downgraded or beaten for any reason.

Word 455

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Post Reading-Question Week 6

Intersectionality is a methodology of studying "the relationships among multiple dimensions and modalities of social relationships and subject formations. The theory suggests—and seeks to examine how—various biological, social and cultural categories such as gender, race, class, ability, sexual orientation, and other axes of identity interact on multiple and often simultaneous levels, contributing to systematic social inequality.  Intersectionality holds that the classical conceptualizations of oppression within society, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and religion-based bigotry, do not act independently of one another; instead, these forms of oppression interrelate, creating a system of oppression that reflects the "intersection" of multiple forms of discrimination.In the late 1960s and early 1970s in conjunction with the multiracial feminist movement. It came as part of a critique of radical feminism that had developed in the late 1960s known as the "re-visionist feminist theory." This re-visionist feminist theory "challenged the notion that 'gender' was the primary factor determining a woman's fate"The movement led by women of color disputed the idea that women were a homogeneous category sharing essentially the same life experiences. This argument stemmed from the realization that white middle-class women did not serve as an accurate representation of the feminist movement as a whole. Recognizing that the forms of oppression experienced by white middle-class women were different from those experienced by black, poor, or disabled women, feminists sought to understand the ways in which gender, race, and class combined to "determine the female destiny.  The term also has historical and theoretical links to the concept of "simultaneity" advanced during the 1970s by members of the Combahee River Collective, in Boston, Massachusetts. Members of this group articulated an awareness that their lives—and their forms of resistance to oppression—were profoundly shaped by the simultaneous influences of race, class, gender, and sexuality. Thus, the women of the Combahee River Collective advanced an understanding of African American experiences that challenged analyses emerging from Black and male-centered social movements; as well as those from mainstream White, middle-class, heterosexual feminists.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Post-Reading Question Week 5

        In my opinion I don’t think this video is racist at all. “Shit white girls say…. To black girls” it’s true. Everything on this video what white girls say isn’t just to black girls they say it to everyone. No matter what the race is. I think she is trying to prove is her own race (black) says the same stuff what white girls say or any colored girls says. She’s just stating the facts.

       Racial inequality in the United States underlies a wide range of societal issues that affect the life chances of different groups disproportionately by race. In social science, racial inequality is typically analyzed as "imbalances in the distribution of power, economic resources, and opportunities. Racial inequalities have manifested in American society in ways ranging from racial disparities in wealth, poverty rates, housing patterns, educational opportunities, unemployment rates, and incarceration rates. Some claim that current racial inequalities in the U.S. have their roots in over 300 years of cultural, economic, physical, legal, and political discrimination based on race.

        Blacks and whites has been leveled, or is as close to being even as is practically possible.2 The increasing diversity of the nation's population and the success of many, but by no means all, immigrants are often interpreted as further proof that the continuing problems of African Americans are of their own making. Unfortunately, this misconception applies virtually across the board whether the discussion is employment, housing, education, or virtually any aspect of private or public life in the United States. Immigration is not the only factor, and may not be a particularly significant factor the extension of race beyond the binary of black and white has deflected attention away from the unique and unresolved problems of race African Americans.